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Upcoming Events

IDRC 2024 planning is underway.  More details are on the IDRC pages.

Tributes to Art Springsteen
Remembering Art with contributions from the NIR community.
International Diffuse Reflectance Conference (IDRC)
IDRC (a.k.a. “the Chambersburg meeting”) follows the Gordon Conference format: the registrants attend plenary morning and evening sessions, with afternoons free for elective activities. This allows a unique opportunity for informal interaction with highly accomplished professionals in the field. Since 1982, this unique conference has offered the opportunity to forge lifelong professional relationships and friendships.
Birth Award 2024
We are pleased to announce the 2024 Birth Award winner - Professor Roumiana Tsenkova.

The Gerald S. Birth Award for outstanding innovation in diffuse reflection or diffuse transmission spectroscopy is conferred and sponsored by the Council for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (CNIRS) in memory of Gerald Birth.

Go to the IDRC 2024 Awards page to read more about this years winner.